Calculate percentage of votes/seats after excluding parties with votes < hurdle

redistribute(survey, hurdle = 0.05, others = "others", epsilon = 1e-05)



The actual survey results on which dirichlet.draws were based on.


The percentage threshold which has to be reached by a party to enter the parliament.


A string indicating the name under which parties not listed explicitly are subsumed.


Percentages should add up to 1. If they do not, within accuracy of epsilon, an error is thrown.

See also


library(coalitions) library(dplyr) # get the latest survey for a sample of German federal election polls surveys <- get_latest(surveys_sample) # redistribute the shares of 'others' parties and parties with a share of under 5\% surveys <- surveys %>% mutate(survey_redist = purrr::map(survey, redistribute)) surveys$survey # results before redistribution
#> [[1]] #> # A tibble: 7 x 3 #> party percent votes #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 cdu 38 718. #> 2 spd 24 453. #> 3 greens 8 151. #> 4 fdp 8 151. #> 5 left 9 170. #> 6 afd 8 151. #> 7 others 5 94.4 #>
surveys$survey_redist # results after redistribution
#> [[1]] #> # A tibble: 6 x 3 #> party percent votes #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 cdu 0.4 718. #> 2 spd 0.253 453. #> 3 greens 0.0842 151. #> 4 fdp 0.0842 151. #> 5 left 0.0947 170. #> 6 afd 0.0842 151. #>