Bender, A. and Scheipl, F. (2018b). pammtools: Piece-wise exponential additive mixed modeling tools. arXiv:1806.01042 [stat]
@Article{, author = {Andreas Bender and Fabian Scheipl}, title = {pammtools: Piece-wise exponential Additive Mixed Modeling tools}, year = {2018}, journal = {arXiv:1806.01042 [stat]}, url = {}, }
Andreas Bender, Andreas Groll and Fabian Scheipl. 2018. A Generalized Additive Model Approach to Time-to-Event Analysis. Statistical Modelling.
@Article{, author = {Andreas Bender and Andreas Groll and Fabian Scheipl}, title = {A generalized additive model approach to time-to-event analysis}, journal = {Statistical Modelling}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
Andreas Bender, Fabian Scheipl, Wolfgang Hartl, Andrew G Day, Helmut Küchenhoff; Penalized estimation of complex, non-linear exposure-lag-response associations, Biostatistics, , kxy003
@Article{, author = {{Bender} and {Andreas} and {Scheipl} and {Fabian} and {Hartl} and {Wolfgang} and {Day} and Andrew G and {Küchenhoff} and {Helmut}}, title = {Penalized estimation of complex, non-linear exposure-lag-response associations}, journal = {Biostatistics}, year = {2019}, }
Ramjith J, Bender A, Roes KCB, Jonker MA. Recurrent events analysis with piece-wise exponential additive mixed models. 2022. Statistical Modelling., 2022
@Article{, author = {Ramjith Jordache and {Bender} and {Andreas} and {Roes} and Kit C. B. and {Jonker} and Marianne A.}, title = {Recurrent events analysis with piece-wise exponential additive mixed models}, journal = {Statistical Modelling}, year = {2022}, }